AlgaTerra    Information System on terrestrial and limnic Micro Algae
Type Designations

Dasya boninensis Masuda, A. Kurihara & Kogame
in Phycol. Res. 55(2): p. 116, fig. 8. 2007.
Holotype: SAP 101363 [tetrasporangial specimen] illustrated as fig. 8 in Masuda et al. (2007).
Locality: "Ani-jima, Bonin Islands, 10 May 2002, leg. Masuda", "collected at Kanai-misaki (27°06'30'-N; 142°14'22'-E)".
TDWG-Gazetteer: Bonin Is. (OGA-OO)
Region: Eastern Asia
Continent: Asia-Temperate
Collection: Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
City: Hokkaido (Japan)
Herbarium Code: SAP
Specimen Reference: Masuda, M., Kurihara, A. & Kogame, K. (2007) - Two species of Dasya (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Bonin Islands, southern Japan, with the description of Dasya boninensis sp. nov. - Phycol. Res. 55(2): 113-124.
Reference: Masuda, M., Kurihara, A. & Kogame, K. (2007) - Two species of Dasya (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Bonin Islands, southern Japan, with the description of Dasya boninensis sp. nov. - Phycol. Res. 55(2): 113-124.

Isotype: BRM GALW: specimen of Dasya boninensis.
Locality: "Ani-jima, Bonin Islands, 10 May 2002, leg. Masuda", "collected at Kanai-misaki (27°06'30'-N; 142°14'22'-E)".
TDWG-Gazetteer: Bonin Is. (OGA-OO)
Region: Eastern Asia
Continent: Asia-Temperate
Collection: National University of Ireland, Galway
City: Galway (Ireland)
Herbarium Code: GALW
Specimen Reference: Masuda, M., Kurihara, A. & Kogame, K. (2007) - Two species of Dasya (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Bonin Islands, southern Japan, with the description of Dasya boninensis sp. nov. - Phycol. Res. 55(2): 113-124.
Reference: Masuda, M., Kurihara, A. & Kogame, K. (2007) - Two species of Dasya (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Bonin Islands, southern Japan, with the description of Dasya boninensis sp. nov. - Phycol. Res. 55(2): 113-124.

Isotype: MICH specimen of Dasya boninensis.
Locality: "Ani-jima, Bonin Islands, 10 May 2002, leg. Masuda", "collected at Kanai-misaki (27°06'30'-N; 142°14'22'-E)".
TDWG-Gazetteer: Bonin Is. (OGA-OO)
Region: Eastern Asia
Continent: Asia-Temperate
Collection: University of Michigan
Sub-Collection: Theriot
City: Ann Arbor, Michigan (U.S.A.)
Herbarium Code: MICH
Specimen Reference: Masuda, M., Kurihara, A. & Kogame, K. (2007) - Two species of Dasya (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Bonin Islands, southern Japan, with the description of Dasya boninensis sp. nov. - Phycol. Res. 55(2): 113-124.
Reference: Masuda, M., Kurihara, A. & Kogame, K. (2007) - Two species of Dasya (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Bonin Islands, southern Japan, with the description of Dasya boninensis sp. nov. - Phycol. Res. 55(2): 113-124.

Isotype: NSW: specimen of Dasya boninensis.
Locality: "Ani-jima, Bonin Islands, 10 May 2002, leg. Masuda", "collected at Kanai-misaki (27°06'30'-N; 142°14'22'-E)".
TDWG-Gazetteer: Bonin Is. (OGA-OO)
Region: Eastern Asia
Continent: Asia-Temperate
Collection: Royal Botanic Gardens
City: Sydney (Australia)
Herbarium Code: NSW
Specimen Reference: Masuda, M., Kurihara, A. & Kogame, K. (2007) - Two species of Dasya (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Bonin Islands, southern Japan, with the description of Dasya boninensis sp. nov. - Phycol. Res. 55(2): 113-124.
Reference: Masuda, M., Kurihara, A. & Kogame, K. (2007) - Two species of Dasya (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Bonin Islands, southern Japan, with the description of Dasya boninensis sp. nov. - Phycol. Res. 55(2): 113-124.

AlgaTerra is maintained by the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, FU Berlin, Germany.
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Template: /ATDB/Types/TypesMain.cfm (C:\algaterrapub\wwwroot\ATDB\Types\TypesMain.cfm)
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Execution Time
52.1 ms      Total
Implicit Variable Access
2 Implicit Variable Accesses
Datasource Information
6 Queries Executed (Total Records: 30; Total Time: 49.6 ms; Total Open Connections: 0)